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a painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric pattern

An Introduction to the Arts and Mental Wellbeing

Are you interested in learning more about the arts and health, with a focus on mental wellbeing? Why not take part in our free short course. The videos are short and will only take you a few minutes to watch. If you have time (no pressure), you can also do our free 10 question quiz.
Man happily knitting on a couch

About the Short Course


Increase your knowledge of arts and health, with a focus on mental wellbeing by completing our free short course. Watching a series of short videos and then complete our quiz to receive a certificate. The lecture series has been structured by the Good Arts, Good Mental health team, and delivered by Dr Christina Davies.

  • Understand the definition of Recreational Art
  • Understand the connection between arts and health, arts and mental health
  • Learn how to take part and learn about low cost, no cost options
  • Decipher the difference between recreational art and art therapy

Lesson 1
What is recreational arts?
Dr Davies talks through the definition of recreational arts, with examples.

Lesson 2
What is arts and health?
Have you ever wondered what the relationship between arts and health is? Dr Davies discusses arts and health, arts options and the arts dose.

Lesson 3
Mental health benefits of arts engagement.
With a focus on mental health, Dr Davies talks about the benefits of taking part in the arts.

Lesson 4
Low cost, no cost tips to take part in the arts
Understand how to participate in the arts without breaking the bank! By watching this short video you’ll get some low cost, no cost tips to support your engagement in the arts.

Lesson 5
Recreational arts vs art therapies
Learn about the difference between recreational arts and art therapies. Dr Davies provides examples to support understanding.

A portrait of Doctor Christina Davies
Dr Christina Davies is your lecturer today. She is the Director of the Centre for Arts, Mental Health and Wellbeing WA within the School of Allied Health, The University of Western Australia. Her multi-award winning research focuses on the areas of arts-health, health promotion and mental wellbeing. For the past 20 years, Christina has worked in academic, government and market research settings. She has successfully translated her arts-health research into programs, policy and practice. According to Altmetric, a number of her papers are ranked in the top 1% of articles by attention internationally (i.e. The Art of Being Mentally Healthy; The Art of Being Healthy).
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